
As we go about our busy lives, we can have a spiritual impact…..or not. This Easter season, it is a great time to scatter some spiritual seed, as Hannah from Llandielo, Wales writes us:

“I keep them in my bag and hand them out whenever I am served by a cashier. I make a point of handing one over when I pay for something. I also leave them in Doctors surgeries, in trolleys and cafés. Every time I write a birthday or greeting card, a gospel goes in also! They get posted through neighbour’s doors at Christmas.”

We all do the same things that Hannah does….but she uses these routine experiences  to plant the Word of God. This Easter, how much seed might you plant, as an offering to our Lord?

Please order some precious living seed…Gospels of John, at www.ptluk.org/order. We will ask for a small donation to help us cover our costs, but will send them to you for free if you ask us to!


In Him,


Ps. As you plant the living Word of God, lives will be changed for eternity.


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