How would you like an invitation to meet the King?

Most people would jump at the chance, especially with the Coronation of King Charles III coming up.

While not everyone will get the opportunity to receive an invitation to meet King Charles, we can work together to make sure they get an invitation to meet Jesus, who the Bible declares to be ‘the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords’ (1 Timothy 6:15).

Our ‘God Save The King’ Gospels are perfect for introducing people in your community to Jesus over the Coronation weekend.

Why not join thousands of other supporters as they share these limited edition Gospels at street parties, in local schools, at special services, in care homes and other places to mark this special event.

Thanks to generous sponsors, we are able to offer these special Gospels for FREE, we just ask for a small donation towards postage and packing.

Order yours and extend an invitation to meet THE KING in your neighbourhood!

In Him,


PS. If you’d like to help us share even more Gospels then why not consider making a regular donation? Just £20 per month can help to equip a supporter to share 30 Gospels. Donate here!