Parks are great places to leave Gospels of John. Ruth from Cambridge writes to us:
“During the lock down about 60 Gospels have been taken by people exercising in the local park. We have put out a basket in different locations in the park and at the entrance gates of two other beauty spots visited by dog walkers and joggers. We simply put the basket out in the morning and pick it up at dusk. The notice on it says “A gift of HOPE – please help yourself.” The word HOPE is written in capitals and coloured in with rainbow stripes. We are encouraged that every day a few gospels and leaflets are taken.”
What a simple and powerful ministry!  Ruth has learned that when you offer HOPE, people are interested. Is there anywhere near where you live (maybe even your front porch?), where you could offer hope to someone? If you plant a seed, God will sprout it!
During the lock down about 60 Gospels and about 100 other Christian leaflets and booklets have been taken by people exercising in the local park. We have put out a basket in different locations in the park and at the entrance gates of two other beauty spots visited by dog walkers and joggers. We simply put the basket out in the morning and pick it up at dusk. The notice on it says “A gift of HOPE – please help yourself.” The word HOPE is written in capitals and coloured in with rainbow stripes. We are encouraged that every day a few gospels and leaflets are taken Gospels from us at We will even send them to you for free if you ask us to!
In Him,
Ps When you offer people the Word of God, even in a basket, you can change someone’s eternal destiny!